Best Beaches In Lincolnshire [11 Amazing Places]

Ah, Lincolnshire! This charming county in the heart of the UK is steeped in history, blessed with natural beauty, and – would you believe it – home to some of the best beaches in the country.

From bustling seaside resorts to tranquil sandy stretches, Lincolnshire’s beaches offer a bit of everything, a veritable smorgasbord for beach lovers. So if you’re itching for a beachside getaway, just sit tight, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s our rundown of the 11 best beaches in Lincolnshire, hand-picked to ensure your next coastal escape is nothing short of spectacular. Grab your sun hat, slip into your flip-flops, and let’s dive in!

Best Beaches In Lincolnshire

Best Beaches In Lincolnshire

11 Best Beaches In Lincolnshire

Cleethorpes Beach

Here’s Cleethorpes Beach, our first crown jewel on this top-notch tour of Lincolnshire’s coasts.

This charming spot is brimming with charisma, boasting an extensive stretch of golden sands that’ll make your heart skip a beat. But hang on, the excitement doesn’t stop there! Picture a lively promenade, bustling with cafés, shops, and amusement arcades.

Cleethorpes Beach isn’t just about the shimmering sea and the sparkling sand; it’s about the whole kit and caboodle.

Families, couples, solo travelers – it welcomes everyone with open arms. Fancy a stroll? Grab an ice cream and saunter down the seafront.

Skegness Beach

Next on our list is the illustrious Skegness Beach. This place is truly the bee’s knees.

With the sand tickling your toes, the lullaby of the waves, and the mouth-watering aroma of traditional fish and chips, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a classic seaside postcard!

And as a cherry on top, there’s the famed Skegness Pier, a marvellous structure that houses everything from bowling alleys to laser quest arenas.

If you’re looking for a day of sun, sea, and a generous helping of fun, Skegness Beach is your one-stop destination.

Mablethorpe Beach

Now, let’s meander over to Mablethorpe Beach, arguably one of the best beaches in Lincolnshire.

This delightful spot offers a whopping 4 miles of unspoiled sand, as far as the eye can see. Did I mention the charming beach huts?

Painted in a myriad of cheery colours, they provide the perfect backdrop for those Instagram-worthy beach shots.

Spend the day soaking up the sun or get competitive with a game of beach volleyball. When it’s time to refuel, the local cafés offer everything from scrumptious seafood to refreshing ice lollies.

Anderby Creek Beach

Prepare to be gobsmacked by Anderby Creek Beach. One of Lincolnshire’s best-kept secrets, this tranquil stretch of sand is perfect for those looking for a peaceful retreat.

Here, the hustle and bustle of the world seems a world away. Imagine sinking your toes into the soft sand while the clear blue waters gently lap the shore.

Bring along your picnic basket, settle down with a good book, and let the soothing sounds of the sea work its magic.

Chapel St Leonards Beach

Next up, we have Chapel St Leonards Beach, a real crowd-pleaser.

This beach is a paradise for families, with sandy shores perfect for building sandcastles, shallow waters ideal for a paddle, and a bustling village nearby that is teeming with cafés, shops, and a whole heap of good vibes.

Fancy a walk? The coastal path offers panoramic views of the beach and beyond. When hunger strikes, head to one of the charming seaside cafés for a taste of the local cuisine.

Sutton-on-Sea Beach

Sit back and take it easy at Sutton-on-Sea Beach. This peaceful spot is the epitome of relaxation, with its calm waters and soft sands.

Awarded the prestigious Blue Flag status, this beach is perfect for a leisurely swim or sunbathing session. And if you’re feeling a bit peckish, just pop over to one of the nearby cafés for a delicious bite to eat.

The charm of this beach lies in its serenity, making it a perfect getaway from the humdrum of daily life.

Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes

Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes, quite a tongue-twister, isn’t it? But boy, is it worth it!

This unique spot is both a beach and a nature reserve. Picture endless sand dunes, interspersed with an array of rare birds and wildlife. This isn’t just a beach, it’s an outdoor adventure waiting to happen.

Whether you fancy bird-watching, nature walks, or just a lazy day by the sea, Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes offers a smorgasbord of outdoor delights.

North Shore Beach, Skegness

And now, allow me to introduce North Shore Beach, another gem from Skegness.

With fewer crowds but equal beauty, this beach is perfect for a leisurely stroll or a quiet picnic. Picture this: the merry chirping of seagulls, the salty kiss of the sea air, and the sight of the endless horizon.

It’s an experience that engages all your senses, a treat for the soul!

Gibraltar Point Beach

Here’s Gibraltar Point Beach, a haven for nature lovers!

Not only does it flaunt a stunning coastline, but it’s also a nature reserve and a hotspot for wildlife spotting. This isn’t just a beach; it’s a place to connect with nature and rejuvenate your senses.

The tranquillity of this place is absolutely captivating; it’s the kind of beach that makes you want to lose track of time.

Huttoft Beach

Welcome to Huttoft Beach, a little slice of paradise off the beaten track.

Quiet, unspoiled, and utterly captivating, this beach is the perfect place to escape the world. Here, it’s just you, the beach and the hypnotic rhythm of the waves.

It’s the perfect spot to spread out your beach towel, bask in the sun, and let the sea breeze whisk away your worries.

Moggs Eye Beach

Last, but certainly not least, we have Moggs Eye Beach.

Tucked away between Mablethorpe and Skegness, this hidden gem is a peaceful retreat from the world.

With its serene sandy beach and quiet atmosphere, it’s the perfect place to take a leisurely stroll, enjoy a refreshing swim, or simply sit back and soak in the natural beauty.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, folks!

The 11 best beaches in Lincolnshire, each with its unique charm and appeal.

Pack your beach bags and sun cream, Lincolnshire’s sun-kissed shores await!


What is the prettiest seaside town in Lincolnshire?

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? But if you ask me, I’d have to say Cleethorpes is arguably one of the prettiest seaside towns in Lincolnshire. It’s got this lovely beach that stretches for miles, and a vibrant promenade lined with charming cafes and shops.

Plus, the town offers beautiful gardens, a boating lake, and even a miniature railway! There’s something quite enchanting about its mix of seaside charm and vibrant town life.

Is there anywhere nice on the Lincolnshire Coast?

Absolutely, there’s plenty of lovely spots on the Lincolnshire Coast! From vast sandy beaches to bustling seaside resorts, there’s something for everyone. One such spot is Skegness, often called the “Blackpool of the East Coast,” known for its lively atmosphere, beautiful beach, and the fun-filled Skegness Pier.

If you’re looking for tranquillity, the sandy dunes of Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes National Nature Reserve are a must-visit. And don’t forget about Cleethorpes, a charming seaside town with a beautiful beach and promenade. Trust me, the Lincolnshire Coast is brimming with delightful spots worth exploring.

Ed Welton

Founder, Editor

Ed is the founder and editor at Lifes Beaches. He’s lived near a beach his whole life and loves exploring other great places to enjoy the sun and the sea. He’s a keen surfer and enjoys finding hidden beach spots to catch the best waves.

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